Thursday 9 June 2011


Hello, Bienvenue and awrite? I've been back in Scotland for 2 months now and I should have really updated sooner. So here's a little back-tracking to get us started. The night before I left (31st March) Renaud came to mine to see me for the last time for a while, and nearly everyone came out, since it was a Thursday, so I got to say goodbye to most folk, some of whom I'll never see again, which makes me very sad!! The Friday, however, was a disaster. In my mad, slightly drunken, over emotional state, I tripped and fell in my hall way, badly bruising and spraining my wrist, cutting it, and getting really bad carpet burn down my arm that is STILL healing, as is the wrist pain. Which involved me getting even more upset, like "MA ARM!!!!!" and the worry of getting lost/kidnapped/dying trying to get home. Then Renaud and I cleverly spent the last hour or so running around Poitiers trying to find a printer, adding more stress to my life. The flights home were uneventful, and Becca and David picked me up from Glasgow Airport :D All in all a fun wee time, but I miss a lot of my friends and of course the Frenchman!

So, Scotland...There's not loaaaddss to report. There have been some good nights out though, like the 80s night. Which may or may not have involved neon feathers, leather leggings, and really, really bad photos. Like this:

Prince Charming?!
Or, like this, which is less... No, I can't lie, it's only vaguely more attractive:
Me and Amy. Cool as cucumbers.
The night was filled with much 80s drunken banter, kicking, dancing, and generally wishing there was such a thing as a time machine...

There's been a few trips to Red, and an enjoyable trip to Amy's where we drank beer and cider and watched Star Wars, counting the number of minorities present in the film (4 in total) and general catch up banter. We've also had many nights out to Word Up, Monday night Glasgow banter with Amy, and my dad's 50th. But more on those activities later.

On 11th May I bantered back to Poitiers for the final adventure! But before that I went to Angouleme for what will be the last time for a wee while. Comme d'hab, Renaud's family were wonderful to me, introducing me to more of the fantastic French lifestyle I've fallen in love with. Renaud also took me to Jonzac to a lovely spa place for a day and it was AMAZING! We had sauna's and jacuzzi's and a hamam, which is like a humid version of a sauna! I have never been so relaxed in my life and we had such a great day out! Other events included meeting the new little boy his mum would be watching -Pierre, 5 months old, GORGEOUS, going to the rock bar in Angouleme and me drinking cocktails - i.e. 2 shots of rum and a quartered lime in a glass with a spoon to "mix" the "cocktail". I miss the French and they're bizarre ways!

After a few days we went back to Poitiers to sit my exams - no comment - and generally say goodbye to what has been my home for the past 8 months. But then I decided to get sick. Then we decided to make extra spicy fajitas (!!!!!!!!!!). Do not be fooled by the tomato one, it is INSANE!!! There was also an excellent party in the Connemara and at... erm... "Adrian's old house" and we didn't get back home till nearer 8am! I miss the French party lifestyle!

 All in all we had a lovely time together and I will/ do really miss Renaud, but we are 8 months now and till bantering along :D

On a final note, I would urge ANYONE to study abroad, even for one semester. It has changed me for the better and I WILL be doing it when I graduate! (As long as they let me back in the country!)

I'd also like to take a moment to thank everyone I met on my trip to Poitiers for making it the best experiences of my life! Merci a tous et je vous aime! Gros bisous :) xxxxxxx

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