Thursday 10 March 2011

Quoi de neuf?: Angoulême, my 20th, raclettes, cognac and flu.

NOTE: This entry has taken me weeks to write due to various distractions, ups and downs and other things. Apologies for it's short and probably generalised content.

Hello again to my blog! It has been well over a month since I last updated and feel it's time to give at least a short synopsis of what's been going on here in Poitiers! Well a lot has gone on in the past month! I spent the weekend before my birthday in Angoulême with Renaud and his family, where I was treated to a very French weekend! We visited the Bande Dessinée festival, where we got to see some famous comic book authors and various other arty things, but were a bit disappointed as you had to pay this year - apparently that's only happened in the last 2 or 3 years! Then we went for dinner at Renaud's parent's friend's house where I tried some tasty wee snacks like caramelised peanuts! Also had my first every raclette, which is like a grill thing with special little trays to melt special raclette cheese in and a thing where you can grill the different types of meats you have and you eat it all with potatoes! It was very exciting!! I also got my first taste of Cognac which was so amazing but left me a little bit too drunk - not that the whisky or red wine had anything to do with it! Then on Sunday for Epiphany we had a special galette and I found the little ornament so I was queen for a day! It was all very French and exciting :D

The Saturday after that (5th of February) was my 20th! I started the celebrations on the Thursday night with a bottle of malt whisky and buying myself a Chanel lipstick! We then proceeded to get wildly drunk on the Saturday night, drinking at the residence before hand before bantering off to Petit Cab, Est Ouest and the Goule as per! Renaud bought me a lovely dress for my birthday :D Pictures are on facebook so I can't be bothered uploading them here!

After my birthday... Well you can probably guess the banter that's gone on! Nights at the Petit Cab, Est Ouest, the goule etc! Last saturday (the 4th March) was the party at the Irish people's house for Aoife's birthday which was followed by a lovely trip to the Goule! Where we danced all night, but I was sober. Which was, coincidently, a very sobering experience. Hahaha, puns, etc.

What else? Well, there was the 2 week break around the 16th of February where everyone went home but I... didn't. Mainly because Ryanair thought it'd be hilarious to charge me £150 for ONE WAY. No thanks. So, instead, I got French flu which my mother and I thought was meningitus and went to Angouleme for a week with Renaud, which was lovely, until he got sick and we were a restless, sleep deprived, coughing and snoring mess. But we did go and see Tron which was beyond awesome!! In 3D as well! Not before there were 4 power cuts in a row, though.

Tuesday (8th march) was Mardi Gras and there was a huge festival/ carnival at notre dame - there is still confetti and streamers everywhere! Sadly, though, I missed it due to not being well, I just saw the remains as I dragged my sorry self to Monoprix for essentials. I have also recently enjoyed a lovely lunch and my first with Zoe last week, various sober weekends, various weekends drinking whisky and the weird orange rum punch they make up in bottles in bars, light sabers and metal music, and had some excellent banter with my friends! But I lost my Chanel lipstick, a definite tragedy.

Sadly, however, my time in Poitiers is growing to a close. Due to some personal problems, problems with uni, people, the area etc, I am not sure if I can continue with the rest of the term here. But fear not, dear readers!! The wonderful place that is the University of Glasgow has told me that if I should choose to return now, I can study at the Alliance Francais between now and some time before September, am still accepted into Honours, and can study for 3-4 months in Toulouse next March - May/June with the people who are studying French and Spanish but are currently in Spain! But I haven't decided yet.

Anyway, if I can think of more happenings etc I shall write another blog. Sorry for the tedious content!!

Lightsabers are fun. ALWAYS.

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