Monday, 11 October 2010


It's a crazily warm Monday evening - the perfect time for another blog!

Well! The madness that has gone on the past week or so...
Last week, I decided I'd go and get my nose pierced! After a 2 day build up, soul searching etc, Megan, Hannah Mc and I bantered over to the tattoo and piercing parlour, where I casually enquired (15 minutes before closing time) "Ce possible d'avoir une piercing de ma nez?", to which the man gave me a very amused look and said "Mais, oui!" (no joke) and ushered us to the waiting area. After discussing whether I'd get a ring or stud (We'll leave the ring for Megan) I was taking into the piercing room - on my own. After being given all the info and instructions in French (AND UNDERSTANDING! :D) the lovely girl presented me with the needle she'd be stabbing my face with. Some panic ensued, but not as much as usually. She clamped my nose with tongs, which made me giggle, before proceeding to stab my nose. After the initial shock and a bit of a OOOOOOOOOH!!! moment, i saw the tube sticking out my nose and laughed uncontrollably for a while. She then slid through the stud, which again was a bit sore, and that was that. A shiny new piercing! So we ambled off home, then went and got drunk that night. Excellent!!

Bit of backtracking, Hannah and I also enjoyed a "fgoos" time (a slight misspelling of "good") with chocolate and wine on Monday, as Adam went home :( GUTTED FOR YOUUUUUU!

Thursday was, yet again, Dimitri's party. Jeudi soir is always a highlight here. Ok, it should be noted that last saturday (the 2nd) I met a Frenchman I quite liked - Renaud. After bantering all week and overcoming an amusing language barrier, we finally met again on Thursday and lets just say there were some sparks.There was also a weird menthol vodka drink, but we'll discuss that at a later date.

And yes, Je suis now in a relationship with said Frenchman. I came to Poitiers, and I fell in love. MY LIFE IS OBV A DISNEY FILM!

But back to the party...

Due to Hannah, Katie and Marta's inabilities to arrive anywhere on time, they came to mine about 10. Whereas everyone else was in full party mode at Dimitri's. Still, after some heinekin, stella and wine, we shuffled off to Dimitri's, stopping to buy more cheap wine on the way. After tanning some wine on a street corner (as you do), we walked for 4 days to Dimitri's. It was a good party, where I played some guitar, made some jokes, talked a lotta crap, and got a bit drunk. After helping Colin take Laoise home, and chasing Katie while she ran off to kick things (???) we managed to make it home.

Friday night was a similar kettle of fish. The girls arrived late, again. I made them a tasty spag bol and then some Angel Delight, but Hannah dismissed this fabulous dessert with an air of distaste, and announced she'd never had it before. Sheltered We ambled off to... est ouest? I think? Either way, we ended up in the grand goulle where we had many a laugh and dance! We arrived home sometime after 5, with sore feet and raging appetites. So, I made some egg friend rice to keep away scurvy :)

Saturday was more exciting again! There had been a festival thing on for many days, so we finally decided to attend. After watching some crazy bands, getting some Desperados for 3E60 - a bargain! - Katie and I ventured into the tent for a boogie. After dancing for a while Katie announced she wanted to "fuck off out of Poitiers, and travel round europe and dance with bells on her feet". I laughed for a thousand years, before the singer screamed "JE M'APPELLE STEEVEEEEEEEEE!!" down the microphone, which Katie and I carried on yelling for the remainder of the night. Another trip to est-ouest and then we bantered to the goulle with almost everyone we knew, and partied hard to 5 am again. I remember dancing on the podium with Marta, which can obv only be a good thing :)

It should be noted Renaud went back to Angouleme Friday evening, so on his return on Sunday we spent a lovely evening together, practicing our French and English with the help of the dictionary. Of course, my mishearing skills were top notch, as we practiced oral (ooer) translation at our natural speed of speech and lack of articulation. He said "Tu es tres belle", but I thought he said "ou est la poubelle?" so I sorta shouted "Where is the bin?!?!?" at him, to which he gave me a very bizarre look. The madness continued as I tried to talk in French and got confused and said "Tant pis, Renaud" (which means "nevermind, Renaud") and again he looked at me like I was absolutely mental and said "Sandwich?". After this, we sang our own rendition of "Non, je ne regrette rien" and he went home. Obv, this relationship is going to produce some amazing and hilarious banter.

So, needless to say, Poitiers is turning out to be an excellent place, what with Team Glasgow's banter, Hannah G's "fgoos times", Moi et mon petit ami, and of course, vodka caramel shots.

Poitiers, Je t'aime :D

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